How To Use UX  To Improve Conversion Rates

By Laurence Williams  |    December 18, 2020


A great website is one that uses beautiful design and intentional functionality to provide an exceptional, seamless experience for customers while building towards your business objectives.

Choose the key performance indicators you want to track, and determine baselines and targets for each.  When you make a design change, track conversions with Google Analytics to see if it improved KPIs.

Track Success

Here are some areas you can focus on to improve your  UX and usability.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are your chance to make a good impression on a new or returning user; they are also a great place to A/B test your designs.

Landing Page Tip

Consider including reviews and testimonials for social proofing. It removes a barrier to entry to your product by showing that other people have used and enjoyed what you have to offer.

CTA Buttons

CTA button placement is a skill and an art. Make it easy for users to understand what they’re clicking on, why they’re clicking on it, and what to expect after they click it.

CTA Button Tip

Deliver important buttons above the fold, or try to encourage users to scroll down the page. A Google study showed that 66% of user drop-off was caused by the fold.

UX Copywriting

Copywriting improves user experience by providing users with a frictionless pathway through your website with clearly labeled actions and steps.

UX Copy Tip

Encourage action! Keep text clear and concise, and provide useful, valuable information to the user to improve experience.

Text and Typography

Use responsive design so that content will adjust appropriately to different screen sizes. Consider users with color blindness or who are visually impaired when designing.


Navigation is how users make their way through your content, finding what they need and completing actions that are important to them and your business.

Navigation Tip

Implement a site search function so that users can use it to quickly find exactly what they are looking for across your website.

Site Speed

If your page takes over two seconds to load, 47% of users will leave.  Speed also affects loyalty: 79% of online shoppers who experience a disappointing visit are less likely to return.

Site Speed Tip

Page speed is one of Google’s primary metrics to rank your website. It’s important to improve site speed to improve your organic traffic and ensure users can find your website.