Successful UX isn’t just excellent usability; it’s the practice of continually improving conversion rates to increase revenue and keep stakeholders happy. Effective UX designers measure the impact of their improvements on event and goal conversions.
Event Tracking Event tracking gathers data on the on-page actions users take on your webpage. Goal Conversion Rates Events that are important to the success of your business should be tracked as conversions. Audience Knowing more about your audience will help you find the right demographics and segments for usability testing.
Language and Location Use this to improve customer service, make a responsive checkout process, and inform design and typography. Devices Study drop-offs in traffic or conversions for different devices and systems to find bugs. Session Duration The total duration of all sessions divided by the total number of sessions.
Bounce Rate This measures how many people entered your site and left without engaging with any content. It may indicate whether or not the page is valuable and relevant. Pathways Pathways show what pages users landed on, how they went on to flow through your content, and where they exited.