Ecommerce Businesses Need Customer Data Platforms

By Laurence Williams |  August 5, 2021


With all customer interactions being tracked, recorded and stored, companies are swamped with high-quality first-party data. Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are used to store and act on this data.

What Is a CDP?

CDP stands for Customer Data Platform and is a pre-built software that collects, stores, organizes and presents customer data.

How Does  a CDP  Process Data?

1. Data Collection 2. Record Unification 3. Profile Creation 4. Audience Segmenting 5. Insight & Predictions 6. Omnichannel Action 7. Measures Results

Hyper-Personalized Experiences

CDPs are used to build comprehensive customer profiles in a centralized environment so all stakeholders can access the same accurate and consistent customer profiles.

CDPs prevent the following roadblocks with current practices: - Data Existing in Silos - Incomplete Customer   Identities - Insight That Doesn’t   Lead to Action - Speed of Data   Processing and   Response

How Does  a CDP Help?

By pulling data from all the sources you have into one system that can collate and store it. This data is then immediate, up-to-date and ready to be acted on in a variety of ways.

Segmentation and better measurement will grow your business more efficiently. You’ll be able to target appropriate audiences and retarget high-value customers.

Better Marketing

Instead of working with disorganized data sets, analysts can more easily build business intelligence dashboards that help them strategize, predict and measure channels.

Better  Dashboards

IT professionals can integrate data sources into a central system, making it easier to add data sources, protect customer privacy and maintain compliance with regulations.

Easier IT Implementation

CDPs can help you develop a better UX personalized to user needs. By knowing how users interact with your messaging, you can continue to improve it with data personalization.

Better UX

When a customer reaches out because of a problem, a CDP can provide a complete history of their interactions with your brand, allowing customer support to personalize their response.

Reduced Churn

Accurate, complete and actionable data about your business helps the C-suite make better decisions on how to serve customers and what direction to steer the company in.

Better Executive Insight

When data is accurate, accessible and can be acted on, you have a competitive advantage over competitors that are slow to improve their data systems.

And You Can Be One of the First