Best Practices for Keeping Your Website Content Fresh

By Scarlett Payne   |    October 23, 2020


The Importance of Fresh Website Content

Fresh content is essential to boosting SEO and ranking on Google, coming across as a credible resource, and growing a brand-loyal audience that converts. Without fresh website content, your marketing will suffer. 

Signs Your Content Is Outdated

• You haven’t added new content months • Your site navigation isn’t intuitive • You can’t remember updating the homepage • It’s not mobile optimized • It’s not on-brand • Your images are outdated • It’s not contributing to lead development • Your web traffic is stagnant • The tone or message is inconsistent • There’s old or inaccurate information • You’re still using broken links • The copyright date isn’t the current year • Your “new” products aren’t new anymore • Slow loading speeds

11 Tips for

Maintaining Fresh

1. Update Old Posts & Pages Edit old content to keep it relevant and accurate. 2. Delete Outdated Content Remove content that’s not performing well or isn't relevant.  3. Merge Content If pages  are too similar in content or are targeting the same keywords, combine them into one.

Web Content

11 Tips for

Maintaining Fresh

4. Revamp Keywords Change keywords that aren’t working and find new ones. 5. Create a Calendar A content calendar will keep you  consistent, on track, and focused. 6. Stay Informed Stay up to date on industry and worldly news for fresh ideas that will boost your credibility.

Web Content

11 Tips for

Maintaining Fresh

7. More Than a Blog Each and every web page needs to be updated regularly. 8. Unbury Content Improve old content rankings by linking to it in new content. 9. Revisit Web Design Make sure design is functional, responsive and makes a good impression.

Web Content